10 Great Points About an Engaging Blog Post

Hi All,

This is a great example of an engaging post. It doesn’t have much copy but if it did it would get a 10/10 in my book. Let’s run down what I love about it. https://www.lampsplus.com/info-center/b/blog/archive/2013/08/01/10-floor-lamps-for-small-spaces.aspx

  1. engaging-the-audience Clean Design
  2. Big Beautiful Images (and they all fit)
  3. Great internal linking
  4. It’s a List (10 Floor Lamps) and people love lists
  5. Uses long-tail keywords (“floor lamps for small spaces”) this is a very targeted keyword and ranks high even though there aren’t that many searches for the term.
  6. The images used are from other designers.
    1. This is huge. What they did was what any good interview-style copywriter would do. They went online and found good resources, they reached out to them during their research, and in return for their use of images or ideas, they linked out to their sites. This is great practice and I guarantee that at least 1 of these designers have linked back to the post, which is GREAT!
  7. They linked to the specific products.
  8. One of the images contains other images of their great examples of small floor lamps.
  9. Great formatting
  10. (lost a point or 2 for thin content)

Don’t be afraid to reach out to other professionals. Start a database of these resources so you can hit them up when you need great content!
